Monday, May 19, 2008


"Like buildings with multiple levels It is my feeling that relationships can also be on many levels. While the idea of multiple museum levels can define a typical building , it in the quality of space and the context of the environment that work together to bring joy and understanding to an experience which aids the appreciation of the art form of watercolor. One way I have chosen to express my understanding of the physical manifestation of a building is to link the enclosed spaces with the surrounding natural environment. This will be done with both the optimization of environmental features which serves as a backdrop to the art that serves as original function of the idea of a museum to display and educate.

I have always been interested in Art. It is part of my family heritage. The design of a museum to house watercolor art is an attempt to "give back "on family land, a positive reaction to life. A building can be unique , and like life itself it brings a series of layers which can interest all those who come in contact with it. The world, as represented through the drawings and eyes of artists will be displayed in many naural ways. It is in the design of this watercolor museum I will fuse both the relationship of people/process with a building which will be part of the cultural landscape for posterity."

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