Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Thesis Schedule:

January 28: Research - Complete 2nd Prescedence- Art Museum of Western Virginia by Randall Stout and Associates. View Construction Progress and obtain program space

Feb. 4 :Research -3rd precedent - ChryslerMuseum of Art in Norfolk, Virginia

Feb. 11: Complete Research into the study of the site climatic and metereological data.

Feb. 18: Complete research into display using techniques for watercolor presentation-mock up of gallery and model of presentation at an architectural scale.

Feb. 25:Complete research into the introductoin and selection of colored glass and water

March 3: Site Analysis and Design - investigate property limits and legal limitations of the site, Soils, surveys, zoning and geotechnical issues

March 10: Evaluate the building for a possible location and devise a parti for the site . Investigate views, natural landscapes, light orientation and views.

March 17: Program Analysis and Proposal: layout several programs which incorporate the indended use by proposed visitors to the site.

March 24: Select one program for final refinement and space uses to be included

March 31: Select one design and refine

April 7: Expand the initial program to include lessons from first prescedence

April 14: Buiding Organization and Design: select and draw up plans and layouts for organization

April 21: Select and refine one parti

April 28: Propose massing, building plan and building Section

May 5: Refine massing, building plans and sections. Review "green" building materials with alternate materiasl for inclusions on each exterior wall

May 12: Architectural Character- Researach Georgian and other eras for options for architectural character as expressed in massing, roof form, materials, fenestration, structural expression and tectonic development.

May 19: Develop architectural character of the project and refine detials

May 26: Prepare Schematic Presentation- Make "sheets" with photoshp images which can be used as story boards at the intensive.


Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Intensive Image

intensive images

The Fogg Museum: Case Study

Thesis Statement

Case Study Analysis of the Fogg Museum

Friday, January 4, 2008


This is an incomplete list:


"Built upon Love, architectural longing after ethics and aesthetics" by Alberto Perez Gomez, MIT press, 2006, Cambridge, Massachuettes 02142

"Preserving Cultural Landscapes in America" Edited by Arnold R. Alanen and Robert Z. Melnick, 2000, The John Hopkins Press, Baltimore, Maryland 21218

"The Architecture of Happiness" , Alan De Botton, 2006, Penguin Press, New York, New York


" Structures" 6th Edition ,Daniel L. Schodek and Martin Benchthold, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2008, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey

"Manual, the architecture of Kierlantimberlake" , Princeton University Press, 2007, Trenton, N.J.

Colours of Architecture, Coloured Glass in Contemporary Architecture"

Local Resources:

Masonry: Don Jernigan. Lawrenceville Brick and Masonry Company

Structural: Don Broyles, Broyles and Associates
Structural Engineers, Virginia Beach

Mechanical , Electrical, and Plumbing: Richard Smith, P.E. , Technical Concepts

Historic Resources: Alan Mortledge, Architect, Williamsburg Foundation and practicing architect
Louw Strydom, Architect, Hanbury Evans Wright and Vlattas

Otis Davis, Architect, McEntire Davis Architects

Lighting: Neil O'Neil, P.E. Coastal Engineering Resource/Lighitng

Landscape Architect: to be selected