Friday, February 1, 2008

Analysis of the Art Museum of Western Virginia

This x-ray view of the Museum building reveals the many and varied forms within the building. It is clear that this is a none traditional structure and requires an understanding of the different forms which come together in a cohesive design. Perhaps it is the age old quesiton- Is architecture the mother of all art?
Another question is wheather this will bring a regional prominence to this city? Certainly Randall Stout and Associates would like to think so. I do like the departure from the surrounding buildings and applaude the city for initiation of such an ambitiously large group of galleries.(72,000 sf.) to to come on line in 2009.

1 comment:

Denise Dea said...

Tom: I do not feel that this is a case study yet. It has one image (x-ray view) which is not drawn by you (I assume).

You should document the basic information about the building in plans, sections, elevations, narrative that you find from other sources.

It is imperative however, that you make drawings and images that convey your understanding of the architecture as well as its relevance to your thesis. This must be done in drawings by YOU. Based on your narrative, you might draw/extrapolate/diagram the various forms and how they come together. Or a diagram at a much more urban scale to show how this building connects or does not connect to its urban context.